Welcome to our NEWS page where you’ll find the latest information on upcoming events at The Workspace Gallery along with info on Workshops, Lectures, and Tutorials at Bob Korn Imaging. If you haven’t signed up to receive our e-mails, please do so by filling out our Contact form. I look forward to hearing from you and Thank You for your interest in Bob Korn Imaging and The Workspace Gallery.
july newsletter
Here’s July’s newsletter. If you would like to sign up for them, send a message through our Contact Page...
april newsletter
Our April newsletter is out. Here’s a link to see what we have going. If you haven’t signed up to receive it, please send your info through the Contact Page....
workshop intro
We’ll be holding introductions to our Photoshop and Lightroom Workshops, Thursday, March 24rd, 4:00 PM ET and Printing Workshops on Tuesday, March 29th, 4:00 PM ET. I’ll demonstrate working with these digital tools to show what you’ll gain from taking these workshops...
March Newsletter
This month, we’ll be starting Salon and “How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?” nights along with two workshop information sessions. Salon will again be held the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM ET. Salon is a time to share and discuss your work with other...
we’ve MOVED
After 42 years at 46 Main Street, Orleans, MA we have moved to a new space. Our new location is 3 Main Street / Unit 16, Eastham MA, just 5 miles down the road on Route 6. Hope you’ll stop by to see the new studio.
september newsletter
It’s been awhile. Here’s the link to the latest newsletter. http://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=191013&f=2970&s=3170&m=958072&t=7f97a5f9379a8fa1a892f208595f2252c7405f5187613657735c1e68555e7e27
june events
A new round of online workshops start this month and our hope is to begin holding them in person sometime later this summer. Throughout June we’ll be offering our 3-session workshops: RAW Development, Masking, and B&W Printing. Information on the workshops is...
april newsletter
Here’s the link for our April newsletter and Internal Dialogue. Our feature event this month is the virtual opening and gallery talk for Internal Dialogue. Internal Dialogue, was a call for entries addressing our emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic and...
workshops @ bob korn imaging
Here’s a brief description of our offering. For more detailed information on our workshops, please give me a call. Photoshop Basics: Photoshop is not just a photography application, so we need to know which tools we need to use. This 2 session workshop will...
workshop overview
Join us TONIGHT, February 16, 5:30pm ET, for an overview of our upcoming workshops. The Print, Seeing Color, B&W Printing, RAW Development, Masking, and Photoshop Basics are on the schedule beginning Monday, February 22. Hope you’ll Zoom in to see how these...