Busy week this week.
Photoshop Basics Workshop begins Thursday the 19th at 2:00pm ET. This workshop is designed for the photographer who needs help in understanding which tools to use and how to use them. We’ll cover setup, overviews of correction layers, masking, printing, and the integration of Photoshop with Lightroom.
Salon Night for November is Thursday the 19th, 5:00pm ET. Join in anytime to share your thoughts and if you’d like to show work, email files (2 mb max) by noon the day of.
Zoom Link / https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89067770215?pwd=a3VvYmVBekl5QnFOV2VjT3VySHZ6QT09 Meeting ID: 890 6777 0215 / Passcode: 245866
Lightroom File Development starts Tuesday, November 24, 5:00pm ET. The develop module in Lightroom has replaced the film darkroom, so knowing how to use it is essential to today’s photographic process. Understanding how White Balance, Highlights, Shadows, and the other developing tools create the foundation of your image is the focus of this workshop.
For more information on and registration for the workshops, please call or email.