Category Archives: Info

We’ll be holding introductions to our Photoshop and Lightroom Workshops, Thursday, March 24rd, 4:00 PM ET and Printing Workshops on Tuesday, March 29th, 4:00 PM ET. I’ll demonstrate working with these digital tools to show what you’ll gain from taking these workshops and how to integrate these techniques into your workflow. I hope to see you and if you can’t join in, please reach out for all the details.
Photoshop / Lightroom Into: Mar 24, 2022 4:00 PM ET
Printing / Intro: Mar 29, 2022 4:00 PM ET

This month, we’ll be starting Salon and “How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?” nights along with two workshop information sessions.

Salon will again be held the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM ET. Salon is a time to share and discuss your work with other photographers. If you want to share images, you can send up to six files. Join us on March 17th.

“How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?” Q&A will be held on the fourth Monday of the month, beginning March 28th at 5:30 PM ET. “How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?” is the opportunity to ask questions regarding both technical and visual aspects of your images.

Even if you don’t want to share images or have questions, please join us to see what both of these nights have to offer.

We’ll be holding an introduction to our Photoshop and Lightroom Workshops on Thursday, March 24rd, 4:00 PM ET and Printing Workshops on Tuesday, March 29th, 4:00 PM ET.  I’ll demonstrate working with these digital tools to show what you’ll gain from taking these workshops and how to integrate these techniques into your workflow.  For questions and to register, please email or call.

Best to all,


Thursday, Mar 17, 5:30 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 5059 3165
Passcode: 776892


How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?

Monday, Mar 28, 5:30 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 3726 0242 / Passcode: 650617


Photoshop / Lightroom Into
Thursday, Mar 24, 4:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 3801 5031
Passcode: 499342


Printing Intro
Tuesday, Mar 29, 4:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 9187 7595
Passcode: 558765

After 42 years at 46 Main Street, Orleans, MA we have moved to a new space.  Our new location is 3 Main Street / Unit 16, Eastham MA, just 5 miles down the road on Route 6.  Hope you’ll stop by to see the new studio.

It’s been awhile.  Here’s the link to the latest newsletter.

A new round of online workshops start this month and our hope is to begin holding them in person sometime later this summer.  Throughout June we’ll be offering our 3-session workshops: RAW Development, Masking, and B&W Printing. Information on the workshops is below  For questions and registration or information on our One-on-One sessions, please call or email.

_RAW Development: Processing the digital file sets the foundation of what your image will be.  Working in Lightroom, we’ll cover all the controls needed to set the data that forms your digital image. Tuesday June 8, 15, 22.

_Masking:  In Photoshop, we’ll show you how to work with this very useful tool.  You’ll learn the tools to select and create mask to make refinements to specific areas of your image.  Wednesday June 9, 16, 23.

_B&W Printing:  As with everything in the digital process, there are numerous ways to accomplish what you need done, and the conversion of the camera’s color file to B&W is no exception.  I’ll explain my process using both Lightroom and Photoshop to create the rich tone filled B&W image we strive for.  Each week I’ll review and print your files for you to see how each adjustment works to refine the B&W image.  Thursday June 10, 17, 24.

The Gallery UPSTAIRS is open for visitors with my show “I Take Pictures Too” on the walls.

Our monthly online gatherings will be Thursday, June 17, 5:00pm ET, for Salon Night and Monday, June 28, 5:30pm ET, for our Q&A, “How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?”  I hope you’ll join us for these fun and informative events.

Salon: Thursday, June 17, 5:00pm ET

     Join Zoom Meeting

     Meeting ID: 839 9517 8721
Passcode: 387711

How Do I Know What I Don’t Know?: Monday, June 28, 5:30pm ET

     Join Zoom Meeting

     Meeting ID: 811 7973 5288
Passcode: 455235

Here’s the link for our April newsletter and Internal Dialogue.

Our feature event this month is the virtual opening and gallery talk for Internal Dialogue.  Internal Dialogue, was a call for entries addressing our emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic and portrayed in our daily life through our art.  Join curators Fran Forman and Michael Kirchoff for a discussion with the photographers about their thoughts and intentions behind the photographs that illustrate the theme, as well as how this last year of pandemic living has influenced their photographic practice.

Zoom: Internal Dialogue

Meeting ID: 846 8119 7054
Passcode: 052027

Here’s a brief description of our offering.  For more detailed information on our workshops, please give me a call.

Photoshop Basics:  Photoshop is not just a photography application, so we need to know which tools we need to use. This 2 session workshop will break down Photoshop to show which tools we need and how to use them for the photographic process. We’ll cover how to set preferences, use of layers, spotting, saving files, and more. $150, 2 sessions.

RAW Development: Processing the digital file sets the foundation of what you image will be.  Working in Lightroom we’ll cover all the controls needed to set all the data which forms your digital image.  $375, 3 sessions.

Masking:  Working in Photoshop we’ll show to work with this very useful tool.  You’ll learn the tools to select and create mask to make refinements to specific areas of you image.  $375, 3 sessions. 

B&W Printing:  As with everything in the digital process, there are numerous ways to accomplish what you need done, and the conversion of the camera’s color file to B&W is no exception.  I’ll explain my process using both Lightroom and Photoshop to create the rich tone filled B&W image we strive for.  Each week I’ll review and print your files for you to see how each adjustment works to refine the B&W image.  $375, 3 sessions. 

The Print:  This workshop is designed as a four session class, with the option for an additional four weeks.  The first four weeks concentrate on file development, which is the foundation for the printing process, along with learning the tools in Photoshop to complete the process. The optional sessions are a continuation in which we work on the refinement of your workflow. Each week I’ll review and print your files for you to see the effect of each adjustment.  $650 per 4 sessions. 

Seeing Color:  Learning how to see and adjust color is the final step in the printing process.  Todays technology has improved in the way it reproduces color, however there is more to see.  We’ll learn how to identify color, interpret what we see and the tools need to correct it.  Each week I’ll review and print your files for you to see the effect of each adjustment.  $550, 4 sessions.